Why I decided to start Insider Trading

Insider Trading? Really? Yes. Some of you need insider secrets from the best in the world when it comes to building your influence.

It’s about time I started a monthly newsletter. Welcome to Influencer Insider Trading

I’m starting this newsletter to answer the question “what does she do”.

It can often appear that I DO a lot, when in reality I don’t. I only do ONE thing. I do one thing and apply it to various verticals.

I build influence.

That’s it. That’s all.

Whether it is ….

However no one ever knocks on your door and asks for influence. The average person asks for new clients, increased sales, to be on the New York Times best sellers list, to be a guest on a podcast, to hang out with Joe Rogan, get their product, service, or OPINION on TV, an invite to a celebrity event. It sounds like a ton of different requests but once you understand the psychology of what drives our economy you then realize … it all translates to influence. Which in turn converts to influencers.

This newsletter is designed to help you understand the power of influence and influencers. And teach you how to cultivate and leverage it for your brand, business, nonprofit, or YOURSELF!

Welcome to my word

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Increase your Income, Impact, and Influence

Join us in Influencer Insider Trading a monthly newsletter to give you the tips, tools, and templates you need to accelerate the influence of your brand, nonprofit, or tech start up.



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