I am #ThatChallengeGirl

Challenging you to change your life one challenge at a time.

When I am not talking about technology and startups I am motivating people to change their lives!
I am #ThatTechGirl for sure however I am also #ThatChallengeGirl!
Follow my lifestyle #fittech journey!


It started as a fitness challenge but has evolved into a lifestyle challenge. What qualifies a “Challenge”- completing a task you have never done, afraid to do, or simply keep putting off!
Like launching a website, a startup, skydiving, telling that girl you love her, or losing weight and getting fit!

Liberty Madison #ThatTechGirl as #ThatChallenegeGirl

Learn how I leverage social media to challenge EVERY aspect of my life!
In less than 6 months!

*Go from a size 12 to a size 2!
*Become a pro vegan bodybuilder
*Become a sponsored pro athlete
*Get a role in a Hollywood Sci Fi Film
*Be a beekeeper to over 100,000 bees for a day
*Fit into my goal size 2 jeans!
*Win a documentary pitch competition
*Win a music video competition
*Do my first stand up comedy show
*Complete #100DayChallenge
*Complete #7DaySmoothie Challenge
*Build a booty
*Redefine my career
*Build new friendships
*Become a professional Country Western Line Dance instructor at Oaklands’ only Country Bar, Overland
*Relaunch my tech accelerator,StartupHouseOakland.com
*And find love!

LibertyMadison as That Challenge Girl

I am Challenging you to change your life one challenge at a time!
I launch challenges….
I invite you to join me…
I am changing my life!
And you can change yours too! I will help you!

Check it out!

Learn why, how, and how you can join me!
If you have #fittech hardware or software products lets see ’em!
Nerds get ripped!