Are startup founders Democrat or Republican?

Are StartUP Founders

How are startup founders democrats?

Seems like startup founders would fundamentally lean towards being republicans.

Founders and republicans support innovation, smaller government, free market, open market, self starting, thinking for yourself, taking risk, making huge aggressive changes, changing the world, taking things into your own hands and changing them, pulling yourself up by the bootstraps, not waiting for the government to save them or offer a solution, starting a company, goal of becoming wealthy for generations to come….

You obviously have the option to be neither (which would be the best option) but out of the two most popular parties it seems they founders and co founders fall on the republican line.

I am not a political person, I cannot be political because I actually like to get things done. Being political interferes with progress.

If I had to pick a side I suppose I am a typical startup guy. I opt to create my job instead of looking for one. I encourage millennials to innovate and create their own opportunity inside of preparing for a gold watch and a pat on the back.

#ThatTechGirlI choose Republican.

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