Before We Were


The next time you find yourself being short, rude, prejudice against a group take a moment to realize before we were “groups” we were the same.

Before someone told us we were white we were human.
Before someone told us to worship a man we were human.
Before someone told us to act black we were human.
Before someone said marry your own race we were human.
Before someone introduced the mystical and abstract existence of economics and wealth we were human.
Before someone said my life is more valuable then yours we were human.
Before someone said you don’t matter because you are too young we were human. Before someone said you are irrelevant because you are too old we were human.
Before someone told us to wear this or that we were human.
Before someone told us to believe one way is better than another we were human.
Before someone told you to stay in your own country we were human.
Before someone told us to love her but not him we were human.

Before someone told us we couldn’t change the world we were human.

Humans can change the world!
“Before we were” by #LibertyMadison

When you respect all of life you will begin to see the rippled effects. When you do not disaster awaits.
Choose life, love, and happiness
If you are ever unsure of what to do or how to move forward please ask yourself One question, What would love do?
You Only have two options in life
Love or Fear

No matter how sophisticated “Fear” looks. Always choose Love!
You will thank yourself!
I am not going to tell you its just about choice. No that’s a myth. Choosing an apple or an orange is just about choice. However affecting lives has two choices “Love or Fear”.

Thank you for reading this impromptu open letter and poem. It was written by me today July 23 in honor of a loved one. The words were flowing through me the moment my eyes flew open. It took me 7 minutes to write this piece and I absolutely adore it. I am thankful I had my Samsung Note right next to me in order to capture this moment.

And yes I do sleep with my phone!

#loveismyreligion #bekind #onelove
#protectlife #humanbeing #proLife
#humanrights #humanrace #weareone
Enjoy life!

Please link back and spread the love!

Trust yourself. You were born with the answer


I often forget to trust myself. I sometimes trust others more than listening to my own intuition and guidance and it falls short. You always know what’s best! If you are UN sure then Listen to whatever answer brings your highest joy. The best (right) answer or solution brings life, joy, peace. There are NEVER exceptions to that. When you talk yourself into going against it you are betraying your soul. Its truly that simple!
Being kind, compassionate, and loving is Always right.
Being “right” by political standards change with the changing of the guards.
Be true to your highest good!
A #LibertyLesson
#newlife #selflove #prolove #prolife
#SiliconValley #familyfirst #womensright #humanity #animalrights #vegan #savealife #girlsbelike #loveofmylife #ThatTechGirl #realtalk #lifehack #eckharttolle

Occupy Love Film Screening in SF with Director Velcrow Ripper

Occupy Love: Film Explores The Heart of Occupy Movemen


The United States screening tour and global online launch of Velcrow Rippers’ most recent film, Occupy Love film comes to San Francisco May 8

Occupy Love

Presented by Occupy Love

Wednesday, May 08 7:00pm – 8:50pm

in San Francisco, CA at AMC Van Ness 14 $10.00 General

Love is the center of everything. Love houses creation, family, and peace. At your core you ARE love and light. Love is all you have to offer. There are only two sponsoring emotions ever… LOVE or FEAR! I choose LOVE. There is no other choice!
JOIN Director Velcrow Ripper along with producers Nova Ami and Ian Mackenzie on May 8 and lets see how they capture that message and translate it to film for the masses

Easter Sunday! Family for ALL

A message to everyone who is not with their family or cant be with their family or simply those who do not have any family.
It is nice to have loved ones,you experience a love like no other,it is the only purpose of life.
But don’t forget that Family is not defined by blood. Many times you will find that your blood family can hurt you more than any stranger on the street. Family is defined by commitment, loyalty, and love. A man and wife are not blood but they are family. A dog and the owner are not blood but they are family.
Having family is the most important accomplishment you can achieve.
But not having any family does not mean you are lonely. Loneliness is a state of mind.
You may be alone but that does not mean you have to be lonely.Reach beyond your comfort zone and grab on to love, peace, forgiveness,and realize scientifically that we are all one!
We are all family!
Enjoy your Easter Sunday!