Final Day of 40 Days For Life

40 Days For Life is a worldwide movement that values Life. Plain and simple; any other words are just confusing details open to limited interpretation. The value of life is not open to conversation or debate. It simply is!

40 Days For Life is ….you got it! 40 Days of dedicated grassroots call -to – action strategy that protects life. February 13 – March 24 you can find people in meditation, prayer, action, and conversation that results in peace, love, and saving the lives of families across the globe.

I am 100% behind this movement, not because I am Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Atheist, Republican, Liberal, Tall, Short, Asian, or Smart. I am behind it because I truly know the only real thing that matters; LIFE . Everyone knows that at the core. It just takes some longer to arrive there in order

As you all know, I value life, peace, love and the present moment. As Eckhart Tolle  says “The present moment is all you have” . Simply put he explains that past and future are thought forms,pure hallucinations that will drag you away from the only thing you have,the present moment.

In the present moment the only you have is acceptance of what is. Life. When you go against that in anyway you go against yourself, nature, and the source of who you truly are.

Go with life not against it

Transcend your limiting labels and realize deeply that you ARE life, you don’t have it.

I plan to start my own movement for life and I am certainly going to adopt some of these peaceful solutions to saving the MOST VULNERABLE lives across this planet; the young human!

Great Job

Their Tagline : Pray to End Abortion

Visit their website to learn more!

Twitter @40DaysForLife

ThatTechGirl is, Liberty Madison, a technology television producer, host, speaker, host, lecturer and futurist