Juice Cleanse

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Liberty Presents A Juice Cleanse

The Goal

This is not a weight loss juice fast. This is a cleanse. We are clearing our energy, body, and soul to usher in new life. This journey is to bring clarity, peace, abundance, love, direction, energy, health, humility, and gratefulness to you. This is NOT a lose weight quick experience although you will lose weight. A goal of weight loss alone will not keep you motivated to avoid solid food. This is for those who truly desire more from life. To be honest if weight loss alone could motivate you then you would already be at your goal weight. I stress the importance of looking within and connecting with yourself. This is a time of reflection, declutter, clean, finishing task, completion, trying new things, and making new friends. This is so much more than a weight loss camp. This is the green light you needed to say YES! A true spiritual breakthrough. You will gain peace of mind, confidence, self esteem, and healing! Going 14 days without food is a test of endurance. And it’s also an opportunity to break habits and create your own way. When you remove dependency you realize capability

Why May 28

The new moon is a perfect time to clear out negative energy and usher in abundance. A fresh start.

The Action

We will juice and/or blend our drinks

Blend and/or juice Fruits and Vegetables ONLY

NO SOLID meals


Drink tons of water and/or  infused water

Try and make 3 drinks per day. You can make it easy on yourself and make enough to last a full day but I never do that seeing as I have a nutribullet, it is designed for single servings

The Tools

You can use a blender (such as Vitamix or Nutribullet ) (Please note I will reference Nutribullet only because that is what I use for my drinks.)


You can use an actual juicer. A juicer extracts pulp from your vegetable.

Whats the difference?

The blender keeps all of the fruit while a juice separates the fruit. You will have pulp left over in a separate container if you choose to use a juicer.

For this cleanse you CAN use either a juicer or a blender OR a combination of the two. Meaning use the blender one day and the juicer the next. Or you can stick with one. This cleanse is designed to be a simple as possible. You do not need to be confused if you are doing it right or if you know what a blender is or a juicer is. BOTH are allowed! I will not be using a juicer. I personally have owned 4- 5 juicers but I just do not like the clean up so I will not use them. Also I do not feel there is a reason to separate a carrot lol. A carrot is fine. I have studied juicing and smoothies for years and yes I landed on Simple.


The Recipes Ideas

The formula for this cleanse is SIMPLE. If you follow me on Instagram you know I am all about simplicity.

The strategy is simple. A fruit + A vegetable + WATER = You are done!

You will only need fruits and vegetables that you enjoy. It is literally that simple

Take those fruits and vegetables and put them  in your nutribullet add WATER and go!

AVOID- cow milk, eggs, yogurt

USE- almond milk (if you need it) but I honestly think you do not. Just use WATER. Some of your fruits are in their natural juice so you should be fine. My can of pineapple comes in natural juice. I use that juice from the pineapple and add water! Protein powder is a great addition to your cleanse. Add in a plant based protein powder. I use Life’s Balance Plant Protein Powder Greens. Add a scoop to your drink.

wpid-20140527_214548.jpgIf you are hungry or to start off the cleanse I suggest adding oats or raisins to your drink. Yes you heard me add cereal! I add a hand full of it from my Trader Joe’s Box of their version of Raisin Brand. I do not do it all day or every day. But to start the cleanse off with that go for it! I will add a sample of how I make it.

  • Morning- Spinach, banana, pineapples, oranges, handful of raisin brand cereal or oats, plant protein, ice, water
  • Snack- Infused water with lemon
  • Lunch- Kale, blueberry, strawberries, bananas, ice, water
  • Snack- Infused water with oranges
  • Dinner- Spinach, kale, pineapples, celery, black berries, apples, plant protein, ice, water
  • Dessert- Ice, banana, pineapple

Remember to include a green vegetable and fruit. SIMPLE

The strategy is simple. A fruit. A vegetable. WATER= You are done!

I am only suggesting adding cereal on the first few days. Much like making baby food, you slowing introduce cereal into their liquid food so that you can introduce them to solid. We are going backwards 😉


The Cleanse 

Aside from awesome refreshing life changing beverages you will begin to clear the clutter around you and simplify your life. I am listing 10 tips that I will doing. This is a great way to give you ideas you can implement in your own life.

1. Wake up 1 hour earlier than normal

2. Send follow up emails

3.Make a content calendar

4. Edit video and upload

5. Clean my closet and donate clothes

6. Meditate for at least 30 min a day – Ideally 1130p-12am

7. Write letters of love to family and friends (you do not need to send them or email them)

8. Create a vision board for your personal, family, professional life.

9. Mediate on my vision board

10. Send positive love, thoughts, energy to those for and against me.

The Community

You can find support and updates with people from all over the country. These men and women are taking a step to bring in abundance, clarity, and clean energy. The side effect is weight loss, but that is NOT the goal. Just a nice perk!

You can find the community at






I will post videos and answer questions

The Results

Please feel free to create Youtube video responses, Facebook post, Tweets, and Instagram post about your journey.

I am excited to be on this journey with you. This is such an authentic and honest exploration of the self.