Day One of Juice Cleanse

wpid-IMG_20140525_095251.jpgDay One

Bathroom visit number 17, paying a local Starbucks to use their restroom, jumping in San Francisco gridlock traffic to bang on doors to use the restroom.

Yes that all happened on Day One of this cleanse.


I found myself in this situation often throughout the day. I needed to pee!

And I needed to do it OFTEN.

I found myself stuck in traffic while my producer was driving and needing to despratley find a restoom. I jumped out of the car and went to Noah’s Bagels, Peets Coffee, Donut shop and NOW RESTRROM.

Lesson learned- DO NOT have to use the bathroom in the Financial District in San Francisco.

It became so overwhelming that I was going to jump out on the side of the street and pee in a bush!

My friend suggested Starbucks near the Twitter building and just my luck 3 tour buses of foreigners were unloading. I was not hopeful.

So I make my way into Starbucks and was given a list of ridiculous rules and regulations to use the bathroom. As much money as I have people spend in there! ugh!

So you have to wait in line at Starbucks, buy something, get a receipt, locate a hotel employee,take the receipt to an employee of the hotel, get them to use their key to unlock the bathroom. wow!

With a room full of 200 tourist I wasn’t hopeful.

I threw the man a $1 and said I don’t want anything but a receipt before I have to pee on your floor! He gave me a treat or and handed me a receipt. I am unsure what it was. I ran out to the hotel area and thank God a bell hop person was unlocking the door for gentleman and I quickly grabbed him and said please open the ladies. I explained the Starbucks situation he shock his head and said are you kidding me I said nope I had to go through a lot!

He said next time just come straight to here,that’s crazy. For that Ill leave the door open in case you need it again. So yes I handed him the treat and receipt . He earned it

Day one had me in the street, running through traffic, almost in tears, but I did it!

I made it to SF New Tech


Lets see what Day two does!