Blackberry and #ThatTechGirl San Francisco Tour


#ThatTechGirl caught up w @blackberry for the #keepitmovingtour in #sf #blackberry10. I only had a few moment with the device because I kept talking w staff but one thing I love is feeling like a #tech #ninja! Instead of #swipe you #flick your words! Very cool …not going to say its going to save the company but it could pick up a few new clients! Once I spend more time with the #z10 ill update you and review it. Confession : I am a a closeted Blackberry owner and secretly want to see them turn it around and succeed . You can’t leave your house in #SiliconValley without someone pushing some #mobiletech on you 🙂 And yes I am aware I am rocking a #microsoft #outlook shirt. Its like the #charity of technology ….or the #1995 of technology