Young Female Entrepreneur & #ThatTechGirl


I am a guest tonight! I will be live tonight talking #googleglass with @yfentrepreneur #YoungFemaleEntrepreneur is a show that highlights #founders #women etc! Not just #womenintech but every aspect of life.  I will be talking #google #googleglasses and the #pythoncode of course! #startuplife #startup! Be sure to watch! 6pm #cali time!
libertymadison #siliconvalley @googleglass #glassbetatester #glassexplorer
#libertymadison #entrepreneur
Check out @yfentrepreneur!

Is Education a debt sentence? Can technology change that?


This is powerful. Excellent push for #opensource . The old ways are slowly dying. I predict in the next 10- 20 years education will be free. It will cost #sweatequity as it should. Technology levels the playing field! A college hedge fund can no longer monopolize knowledge, its free on the internet! Its free to learn go teach yourself how to build #invent #research and use #collaboration to solve issues . Only thing needed is government #cooperation + for them to catch up to us. #developer #techies #startups are already there. #debtsentence #mortgage #studentloan #deathsentence #ivyleague #stateschool #statecollege #hbcu

#ThatTechGirl gets support from Canadian Model Kat Pasion


Canadian model @katpasion rocks her support for the #ThatTechGirl  movement! KAT rocks #pythonearcode, a play on the #python #coding #language, by #libertymadison for ThatTechGirl ! Wish I had been onset for this lovely photo by @chrispimages shot in #losangeles #cali . Model is #katpasion and Art Direction/Concept/Photographer is @chrispimages #chrispimages. We are in #beta and we are #inviteonly to purchase! Message me #inspiration #founders #startuplife #startups #siliconvalley #fauxfur #fakefur #womenintech #fashiontech

SPOT #ThatTechGirl on #BART


Spot #ThatTechGirl on #bart kicks off Soon! Win a prize, get your #startup featured + get a hug! #startuplife just #bartandyourethere! #transit #BayArea #datanerd #founders #startups #siliconvalley new #eyebrows
#entrepreneur #womenintech notice im not wearing my #googleglass

Liberty Madison on “Compounded Effort”


COMPOUNDED EFFORT: What are your goals for the first full work week of #2014? #Compoundedeffort! So what will you do to kick off the updated version of you? I used to say “I want to” in 2013. My #2014 is “I am”! It is surrounded with the energy of action, execution, abundance, and joy! I am connecting w fresh blood who values action over extended planning.  Planning is not a bad thing however its where most people get stuck. Meeting after meeting of talking without action doesn’t fit in my 2014. I am opening my flow to connect with NEW #artist #photographer #developer #founder #startup #graphicdesigner #coder #ui #ux #eventmarketing #socialmedia #branding people of integrity, talent, drive! You can sit and watch or participate! #startuplife #okglass #ThatTechGirl #inspiration #highenergy #highervibration
#ThatTechGirlAPPROVED #LibertyMadison LETS DO IT!

Why so smiley Liberty?


Why so SMILEY? #libertymadison is excited about #2014! It is going to be full of #JOY #ABUNDANCE #HEALTH #WEALTH #PEACE #LOVE #FAVOR #LOVED #LIFE #FAMILY #HEALING #RENEWAL #LUCK #ACTION #COMMUNICATION #FORGIVENESS #COMPASSION and that makes me #Smiley!

Welcome to #2014 or #2013s??? I’m not sure!!!


Did y’all get #2014 or #2013s – Are y’all in the new year or a different version of the same #ios #happynewyear #techlife #nerdhumor #technerd #iosdeveloper #appdeveloper #5c #5s #themost #4s #android blank stare
libertymadison #bayarea #siliconvalley #startuplife

Extra Extra BLINK All About It!


The new #GoogleGlass update is truly having me question my life!

I used to feel sorry for those with no water, food, or shelter, but today I just feel bad for those who cant take  photos with a wink! Yes you heard me I said WINK!
Google, of Silicon Valley, just hit me harder than the Beyonce secret album! They introduced an update for the GODS! Unexpected and readily accepted!
And I bow down!
So the update says “Hey would you like to star in your own Sfi-series and wink photos, watch holograms, do some in air hang outs and oh by the way since we like you we are letting your long lost cousin use our platform too and give you more space to send that tweet ABOUT your Google Glass”

My reply : Why yes,yes I would

The details
Notably the best Glass update EVER!!
– Take photos with just a Wink!
– iOS compatibility
– Google Glass lock screen (every explorer knows how important this is)
– Hangouts
– Direct YouTube uploads!
– They removed the classic signature “Through Glass” at the end of your tweets

#ThatTechGirl talks Google Glass xe12
#ThatTechGirl talks Google Glass xe12

Beyonce , Miley Cyrus, and whoever else thought they could take over 2013 with their secret social media albums and tongue tactics had another thing coming!  They were wrong.  The world belong to GOOGLE!
GoogleGlass is #ThatTechGirl Approved

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