#ThatTechGirl meets The TECH Guy – Leo LaPorte

#LibertyMadison drops by ThisWeekInTech and chats #Tech for #Millennials with The Tech Guy, Leo LaPorte.

#ThatTechGirl, and The Tech Guy chatted the future of technology and millennials at a live taping of This Week in Tech. The TWIT episode 540 featured Tech Tv Host Tom Merritt, scientist and researcher Dr. Kiki Sanford, Good Morning America Host Becky Worley


Tune into TWIT TV to catch me talking tech with the The TECH Guy, Leo Laporte!

#ThatTechGirl is LibertyMadison
The Oprah of Silicon Valley says, Tim Draper
#StartupLife for the #Millennial

Have an idea for a startup or app? Tweet me @libertymadison
Want to learn to what life is like in Silicon Valley? SUBSCRIBE



I decided to head over to StartupHouseOAKLAND for some motivation, co working, and lunch! I loved that I ran into one of my favorite startups, @GETAROUND, a Silicon Valley based peer to peer car sharing startup.
You can apply to live at StartupHouse OAKLAND if you are working on an innovate product, or here for a code camp, or creating a positive movement. It is a place for innovators!
It is a great way to meet and connect with creative entrepreneurs!

Have you heard of StartupHouseOakland? You actually live with other innovators and attend really cool labs!
It is a pre accelerator for innovators in OAKLAND!
Learn more and APPLY

Are a millennial in tech?
Do you have an idea for a startup?
@LibertyMadison is #ThatTechGirl
Oprah of Silicon Valley says Tim Draper

A #LibertyLesson – Moving Forward


A #LibertyLesson on #MotivationMonday about #movingforward. When one door closes another door opens. It doesn’t matter if you closed the door or if you opened it. It’s called Life. The very nature of life is to move forward, grow, expand, populate,and explore. Moving forward offers just that.
You do not have the option to grow old, you only have the option to grow wise. Do not move forward for the sake of movement but move forward for the sake of growth. Change for the sake of change falls flat,but change for the chance at life is transcendent.
A new year, a new focus, a new you.
Every moment you are a new you,you are moving forward with or without you,so catch up and get in the game!!
#ThatTechGirl is #LibertyMadison The #Oprah of #SiliconValley
#StartupLife for the #Millennial

Liberty Madison #ThatTechGirl on Living your best life


Hi! I’m @LibertyMadison #ThatTechGirl. My passion for #Entrepreneurship extends far beyond my excitement for #technology. I encourage you to be an #entrepreneur first and foremost, you need not be a #techie. But #technology and #entrepreneurship go hand and hand. You can create a solution to a major problem using innovative #technology.
And THAT #technical solution breeds #entrepreneurship.
I want to invite you to learn to code, learn analytics, become an engineer, choose a #cs degree, go to a #devbootcamp, build an app that will change your life!

I believe we all possess an idea that can change the world.

Let’s change it!

#ThatTechGirl is @LibertyMaidson
The #Oprah of #SiliconValley

And I want you!!! To choose #TECHNOLOGY!

A #LibertyLesson- Follow your heart it leads to your dreams.

Do you have an idea for a startup?
Tweet me! @libertymadison

I am on a Panel called “The Future of Journalism in a Wikipedia World”


I had the opportunity to sit in on a panel entitled
“The Future of Journalism in a Wikipedia World”
hosted by Pete Forsyth in conjunction with Hacks and Hackers Hacks and Hackers in San Francisco. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to sit on a panel with such dynamic leaders in reporting and journalism in Silicon Valley.

Andrew Lih, Associate Professor of Journalism, American University; author, The Wikipedia Revolution

Dan Cook, news reporter and editor (BusinessWeek, Knight-Ridder, American Lawyer Media, Newhouse); Associate, Wiki Strategies

Liberty Madison, founder at Digital PlayGround, StartupHouseOakland, Python Ear Code; an idea hacker & adviser, various tech startups.

Pete Forsyth, Wikipedia editor since 2006; founder, Wiki Strategies

We focused on a number of issues surrounding Wikipedia and how much we should rely on it to spread content as well as how much we reply on it to provide us with valid verified information. I was not brought in for my expertise on wiki edits, I personally do not edit wiki, I was the millennial voice on Wikipedia. As you can see in the video below millennials believe Wikipedia like Southerners believe the bible. There is no other truth. Many of us in look at Wiki as the Encyclopedia online instead of a crowd sourced content. Our entire lives we have had information at our fingertips. We you are 8, 12,or 15 and you have access to the internet you use Wiki on a daily basis. You have grown up on it. It is not perceived as a transition, it is a staple.

Wiki has improved its standards on who can edit and when an edit is allows which helps the platform remain unbiased.
The goal is to keep the neutral neutral and just report without insult to a living person. Lets not kill off a guy, change history, or become a cyber bully. What is written on Wikipedia is perceived as factual and perception is everything. Be careful out there!

Do you edit Wikipedia? Do you post your own content to expand your audience?
I would love to know!
Tweet me!

See the outline below:

Wikipedia has many impacts on journalism, and offers lessons and opportunities to those in the profession. In this session — hosted at Nomiku (who will serve mouth-watering appetizers and cocktails, see below) and co-sponsored by Wiki Strategies — we will explore questions like:

• Are journalism values present in Wikipedia’s policies and practices?

• Do amateurs and dabblers act like journalists in their Wikipedia work? Should they?

• Does Wikipedia threaten business models in journalism, or offer new business opportunities?

This participatory panel discussion will explore these questions and more.
Thank you Pete for moderating and producing this event!

To watch the full chat:

Thank you to the Y Combinator-backed Nomiku for hosting the event. Nomiku is the first home sous vide immersion circulator and has brought high-tech manufacturing back to the bay area. Their team is made of fine dining experts, engineers, and a plasma physicist.

Pitching at Sharktank San Francisco


#ThatTechGirl Liberty Madison heads to Shark Tank!!!
Sooooo today was a bit epic!
As seen on Shark Tank auditions!

Auditioning for Shark Tank has been an amazing experience!!
I learn so much about the behind the scene process of my favorite TV show, my company, myself, and growth hacking! I will release a number of blog post about my experience at Shark Tank!

They came to the bay for the first time in the shows 7 year history! Shocking right!!
Follow me on Youtube, Twitter, Instagram to get inside scoop on my live growth hack for Shark Tank!

#ThatTechGirl partners with Vitamin Water to celebrate #Startup Entrepreneurs


#ThatTechGirl @libertymadison has partnered with @vitaminwater to celebrate #entrepreneurship & #tech!
You can back projects and help founders!!!! How:
Buy #vitaminwater
Use code under the cap to allocate funds to a #startup you love! Very simple!!
You are now an instant internet #investor!!! What is your hustle!
#myhustle is my life!
My current venture is @startuphouseoakland yes I founded a #startuphouse in #Oakland
Apply to live here!!
Also check out @pythonearcode
#myhustle #projecthustle

#ThatTechGirl is #LibertyMadison
The #Oprah of #SiliconValley
#StartupLife for the #Millennial

Top Tech Companies for #WomeninTech

Many women are often unsure where to start when it comes to tech. They are unsure what to expect. Some never venture down a STEM path because they feel they will not be accepted. That is now a thing of the past! Take a look at these trailblazing tech companies who swing open their doors to welcome their female friends!

According to Anita Borg’s data, women account for about 23 percent of the workforce in tech. Only 18 percent of computer science degrees are earned by women, leaving them not only “underrepresented” but also causing them to leave “the industry at twice the rate as men due to the inhospitable tech environment.”
Liberty Madison Google Glass

Read more:

Did your favorite #tech co make the list?
Two of mine did!!!!

If you feel your tech co should have made the list Tweet lets talk about it!
The #Oprah of #SiliconValley

#StartupLife for the #Millennial and #Transitional

Twitter DM TEAM+ #ThatTechGirl at Twitter HQ

Everyone knows I am a Twitter Stand! No for real. Many people pledge to their nations flag, I actually just salute the bird!
Twitter DM Team and LIberty Madison
My love for Twitter started back in 2007. Yes I was a super early adopter! I still remember that one friend who gave me my first Twitter fix! I was hooked! I signed up in 2008 and my life changed FOREVER.

Everytime I give a tech talk be it at an event, college or at the BART. I represent Twitter…. HARD!
To give you an idea of my undying love for the brand, I actually held a pop up party for the Twitter IPO! Yes I am that girl.

My love runs deep!
Twitter welcomes #ThatTechGirl
So you can imagine my excitement to hang out with the Twitter DM team.
Yes the actual team who developed the DM feature on Twitter and launched GROUP DM worldwide with a flip of a switch!They actually were freaking awesome!

Oh now grab a seat it gets tech, very techie, in a moment.

The analytics and strategy of the DM:

The team had to collectively decide if person “A” could create a group chat with person “C” if if person “B” wants to join but blocked “C”! This is not an easy roll out this is weeks and weeks of white whiteboarding, strategy, and execution. Beyond execution they had to educate almost a Billion people on how to use the feature all while receiving instant feedback. I don’t know about you but I certainly dont want millions of instant tweets, beeps, and chirps flooding me at my job about my job!

Here is a short list of challenges they faced:

Who change name a Group chat?
Who can update the name?
How do we keep people safe?
How can we actively listen for blocks?
Who gets to delete the Tweet?
Is it deleted from everyones thread?
At what point of engagement can you view past thread messages?
It is not as simple as it appears folks!

Wow my mind was blown, this team needs a Crunchie! Maybe I will give them one!!

The highlight! I was able to test my new card with the team and they actually got it! Of course they got it! Many people don’t get it but I love it!

Do you get it?

So being invited the mothership and being called home was a very emotional and enlightening experience! Thank you
to the wonderful ladies who sponsored the Twitter Engineering team called @Womeng!

Meet a few folks from the team and feel free to follow them and let them know I sent you!

#ThatTechGirl Approved

Special chirps to the DM Dev members for being kind to the paparazzi!

Follow these folks!
Nhu Vuong @nhu
Sharon Ly @onesnowclimber
Madhu Palani @madhup
Mridu Atray @MriduAtray
Chinmay Barve @cbarve
Pulkit Gupta @pulkit

For more on the #StartupLife in #SiliconValley
Follow #ThatTechGirl @LibertyMadison, the #Oprah of #SiliconValley

#StartupLife for the #Millennial and #Transitional

I am a guest on Chelsea Krost Show!

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#ThatTechGirl Talks Tech + #Startups with the one and only Chelsea Krost
MillennialTalk LibertyMadison

I am excited to announce I have been asked to be a guest on @ChelseaKrost Twitter Tuesday #Millennial Chat!
Join me tonight as I talk startups with Millennial Pro Chelsea Krost! At 8pm Est/ 5pm PST we will invade Twitter with the hashtag #MillennialTalk!
I cannot wait to meet all of you and introduce you to the #StartupLife

Have an idea for an App?
Want info on connecting with developers?
Need to raise funding?

Join us tonight!!! March 17, 2015