When I was a little kid I admit I did not believe in the holocaust. I was a stone cold Holocaust denier. My mind could not process that “good people” would sit around and let someone kill a generation of people and not do anything about it. It was too recent and too current. I told myself that if it was 300 or 500 years ago maybe it could be true but in this day and age no way. It seemed insane. It had to be a myth. There was no reason strong enough that would make me believe the holocaust was a real thing. There was no way people would KNOW that millions upon millions of people are losing their lives and just watch and not do anything. I don’t know perhaps they were convincing themselves that its not their territory, area, or business. Then I learn about Planned Parenthood and realized the holocaust was and is very real.
How to Take a Shower
A shower is one of the most relaxing forms of cleansing and rejuvenation on the planet. It clears energy, clears your mind, and allows you to be totally present. It is your alone time, your think tank,or as I like to call it, my non think tank.
You are alone with yourself. It is you, water, and the present moment. Embrace it.
Many inventors and famous entrepreneurs have come up with multimillion dollar ideas while in the shower. I like to call this a Power Shower. Yes I know you have never heard the term before,I get that. But think of it like this, you could be the next Power Shower Entrepreneur! I coined the phrase “Power Shower” to start you in the right direction.
There is an entire study dedicated to the science of why our best ideas come in the shower. Science often tries to catch up and explain realities of life and they are on the right track this time. It is odd for science to explain something that isn’t scientific but I think that they are trying. The experience of the present moment far exceeds our limited scientific explanation. But I’m glad they are attempting to engage and expand your thoughts.
Whether you are Jack Canfield or the guy who sold his million dollar idea to a toy company. You too can have a spark of genius while showering.
Make sure you do at least 3 of the 3 things listed and you could be next POWER SHOWER entrepreneur!
1. Take a shower
2. Shower alone
3. Relax
It is now up to you to ACT on your million dollar idea! Millions of people have ideas few act on them. Don’t be that guys who says “Man I can’t believe he made 100 million, I thought of that 5 years ago”.
Learn how to make your startup a reality?
Go from Idea to Income with Liberty Madison.
I show you how to go from Idea to Income in a few steps!
Join my online webinar or contact me for one on one advising / coaching!
or simply Tweet me and let me know if you thought of me in the shower!!
#ThatTechGirl is
The #Oprah of #SiliconValley
Thank you for taking a step towards the lifestyle you truly love!
I love my Estranged Friend
A spoken word for the estranged friend I love:
Just because we no longer speak does not mean I hate you or think any less of you. It simply means we no longer speak. It does not mean our time together is undervalued or overshadowed by what drove us a part. It simply means we no longer speak.
Just because I do not call you when someone lights up my day does not mean I wish ill on you. Just because you are not the first to know my thoughts or experience my pain does not mean anything more than our time has come.
I do not hate you, in fact I love you the most. I do not wish any pain on you, I truly in my heart wish you have the best life you can imagine. I wish only joy for you.
I hope you find peace because losing a life long bond of friendship and family is devastating. We will need peace.
My love for you exceeds this earth!
Insight :
(Feel free to share this link with family member who you truly love but for some reason your communication has broken down. Try to mend misunderstandings and try your best to bridge the gap. If there is any situation that cannot be worked out currently, let them know you love them and wish them well. An excellent comfort to estranged family members. A great comfort to mothers who are not speaking to daughters, daughters who are not speaking to fathers, siblings who are not speaking to parents. Parents who feel abandoned or kids who feel misunderstood. Family is the core of life and if that is not strong,it weakens everything. Please make every effort to unite your family while all members are alive, you will never regret saying ‘I love you or I am sorry’)
My intention for this post is to highlight a major problem and wrap it in love instead of a grudge if its not resolved as of this moment
Love you all
Go forward in peace
Before We Were
The next time you find yourself being short, rude, prejudice against a group take a moment to realize before we were “groups” we were the same.
Before someone told us we were white we were human.
Before someone told us to worship a man we were human.
Before someone told us to act black we were human.
Before someone said marry your own race we were human.
Before someone introduced the mystical and abstract existence of economics and wealth we were human.
Before someone said my life is more valuable then yours we were human.
Before someone said you don’t matter because you are too young we were human. Before someone said you are irrelevant because you are too old we were human.
Before someone told us to wear this or that we were human.
Before someone told us to believe one way is better than another we were human.
Before someone told you to stay in your own country we were human.
Before someone told us to love her but not him we were human.
Before someone told us we couldn’t change the world we were human.
Humans can change the world!
“Before we were” by #LibertyMadison
When you respect all of life you will begin to see the rippled effects. When you do not disaster awaits.
Choose life, love, and happiness
If you are ever unsure of what to do or how to move forward please ask yourself One question, What would love do?
You Only have two options in life
Love or Fear
No matter how sophisticated “Fear” looks. Always choose Love!
You will thank yourself!
I am not going to tell you its just about choice. No that’s a myth. Choosing an apple or an orange is just about choice. However affecting lives has two choices “Love or Fear”.
Thank you for reading this impromptu open letter and poem. It was written by me today July 23 in honor of a loved one. The words were flowing through me the moment my eyes flew open. It took me 7 minutes to write this piece and I absolutely adore it. I am thankful I had my Samsung Note right next to me in order to capture this moment.
And yes I do sleep with my phone!
#loveismyreligion #bekind #onelove
#protectlife #humanbeing #proLife
#humanrights #humanrace #weareone
Enjoy life!
Please link back and spread the love!
My life has lead me to a vegan lifestyle.
Or as what I call it a natural respect for life lifestyle. I am eager to meet people who also practice a peaceful existence. If you have tips or advice please feel free to contact me.
If you would like to learn more about compassionate conscious living please feel free to reach out and watch videos and tips at
Juice Cleanse
Welcome to
Liberty Presents A Juice Cleanse
The Goal
This is not a weight loss juice fast. This is a cleanse. We are clearing our energy, body, and soul to usher in new life. This journey is to bring clarity, peace, abundance, love, direction, energy, health, humility, and gratefulness to you. This is NOT a lose weight quick experience although you will lose weight. A goal of weight loss alone will not keep you motivated to avoid solid food. This is for those who truly desire more from life. To be honest if weight loss alone could motivate you then you would already be at your goal weight. I stress the importance of looking within and connecting with yourself. This is a time of reflection, declutter, clean, finishing task, completion, trying new things, and making new friends. This is so much more than a weight loss camp. This is the green light you needed to say YES! A true spiritual breakthrough. You will gain peace of mind, confidence, self esteem, and healing! Going 14 days without food is a test of endurance. And it’s also an opportunity to break habits and create your own way. When you remove dependency you realize capability
Why May 28
The new moon is a perfect time to clear out negative energy and usher in abundance. A fresh start.
The Action
We will juice and/or blend our drinks
Blend and/or juice Fruits and Vegetables ONLY
NO SOLID meals
Drink tons of water and/or infused water
Try and make 3 drinks per day. You can make it easy on yourself and make enough to last a full day but I never do that seeing as I have a nutribullet, it is designed for single servings
The Tools
You can use a blender (such as Vitamix or Nutribullet ) (Please note I will reference Nutribullet only because that is what I use for my drinks.)
You can use an actual juicer. A juicer extracts pulp from your vegetable.
Whats the difference?
The blender keeps all of the fruit while a juice separates the fruit. You will have pulp left over in a separate container if you choose to use a juicer.
For this cleanse you CAN use either a juicer or a blender OR a combination of the two. Meaning use the blender one day and the juicer the next. Or you can stick with one. This cleanse is designed to be a simple as possible. You do not need to be confused if you are doing it right or if you know what a blender is or a juicer is. BOTH are allowed! I will not be using a juicer. I personally have owned 4- 5 juicers but I just do not like the clean up so I will not use them. Also I do not feel there is a reason to separate a carrot lol. A carrot is fine. I have studied juicing and smoothies for years and yes I landed on Simple.
The Recipes Ideas
The formula for this cleanse is SIMPLE. If you follow me on Instagram you know I am all about simplicity.
The strategy is simple. A fruit + A vegetable + WATER = You are done!
You will only need fruits and vegetables that you enjoy. It is literally that simple
Take those fruits and vegetables and put them in your nutribullet add WATER and go!
AVOID- cow milk, eggs, yogurt
USE- almond milk (if you need it) but I honestly think you do not. Just use WATER. Some of your fruits are in their natural juice so you should be fine. My can of pineapple comes in natural juice. I use that juice from the pineapple and add water! Protein powder is a great addition to your cleanse. Add in a plant based protein powder. I use Life’s Balance Plant Protein Powder Greens. Add a scoop to your drink.
If you are hungry or to start off the cleanse I suggest adding oats or raisins to your drink. Yes you heard me add cereal! I add a hand full of it from my Trader Joe’s Box of their version of Raisin Brand. I do not do it all day or every day. But to start the cleanse off with that go for it! I will add a sample of how I make it.
- Morning- Spinach, banana, pineapples, oranges, handful of raisin brand cereal or oats, plant protein, ice, water
- Snack- Infused water with lemon
- Lunch- Kale, blueberry, strawberries, bananas, ice, water
- Snack- Infused water with oranges
- Dinner- Spinach, kale, pineapples, celery, black berries, apples, plant protein, ice, water
- Dessert- Ice, banana, pineapple
Remember to include a green vegetable and fruit. SIMPLE
The strategy is simple. A fruit. A vegetable. WATER= You are done!
I am only suggesting adding cereal on the first few days. Much like making baby food, you slowing introduce cereal into their liquid food so that you can introduce them to solid. We are going backwards 😉
The Cleanse
Aside from awesome refreshing life changing beverages you will begin to clear the clutter around you and simplify your life. I am listing 10 tips that I will doing. This is a great way to give you ideas you can implement in your own life.
1. Wake up 1 hour earlier than normal
2. Send follow up emails
3.Make a content calendar
4. Edit video and upload
5. Clean my closet and donate clothes
6. Meditate for at least 30 min a day – Ideally 1130p-12am
7. Write letters of love to family and friends (you do not need to send them or email them)
8. Create a vision board for your personal, family, professional life.
9. Mediate on my vision board
10. Send positive love, thoughts, energy to those for and against me.
The Community
You can find support and updates with people from all over the country. These men and women are taking a step to bring in abundance, clarity, and clean energy. The side effect is weight loss, but that is NOT the goal. Just a nice perk!
You can find the community at
I will post videos and answer questions
The Results
Please feel free to create Youtube video responses, Facebook post, Tweets, and Instagram post about your journey.
I am excited to be on this journey with you. This is such an authentic and honest exploration of the self.
June 28: Why I am a Californian. Ode to a Grandmother who saved my life
June 28, 1919
Today is my grandmothers birthday, well my great grandmother. My grandmother died before I came around these parts. The details of her death haunt me to this day.
Today, June 28, I have always remembered because my great grandmother loved to go to Sizzler on her Birthday! She is the reason I am a Californian. She moved from Louisiana to Arkansas (where her parents were slaves/sharecroppers), at the age of 16 or 18 she left her family and moved to California!
Fast forward a few decades and here I am.
That’s the simple version
June 28, 1919.
I recall it like it was yesterday, she was in the kitchen on the phone with her friend planning her trip to Sizzler, and I thought she did this before,and in that moment I looked up at a wall calendar hanging right by the yellow rotary phone, June 28 was circled and it was her Birthday! I was 5. I never forgot it. I never forgot her.
I was not her favorite person in the world. She said I looked too much like my daddy,which was unacceptable to her, but it didn’t matter to me if she liked me first, second, third, or fourth, she was family and I loved her.She literally saved my life.
I was almost killed as youngling and I guess on an energetic level that is why I was drawn closer to her. The woman who literally saved my life. The details of which still haunt me to this day. I never truly understood how courageous she was but I do now. If it were not for my Great Grandmother I would not be able to write this post.
Thank you June 28, 1919
From your eternal friend June 28, 2013

Occupy Love Film Screening in SF with Director Velcrow Ripper
Occupy Love: Film Explores The Heart of Occupy Movemen
The United States screening tour and global online launch of Velcrow Rippers’ most recent film, Occupy Love film comes to San Francisco May 8
Occupy Love
Presented by Occupy Love
Wednesday, May 08 7:00pm – 8:50pm
in San Francisco, CA at AMC Van Ness 14 $10.00 General
Final Day of 40 Days For Life
40 Days For Life is a worldwide movement that values Life. Plain and simple; any other words are just confusing details open to limited interpretation. The value of life is not open to conversation or debate. It simply is!
40 Days For Life is ….you got it! 40 Days of dedicated grassroots call -to – action strategy that protects life. February 13 – March 24 you can find people in meditation, prayer, action, and conversation that results in peace, love, and saving the lives of families across the globe.
I am 100% behind this movement, not because I am Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Atheist, Republican, Liberal, Tall, Short, Asian, or Smart. I am behind it because I truly know the only real thing that matters; LIFE . Everyone knows that at the core. It just takes some longer to arrive there in order
As you all know, I value life, peace, love and the present moment. As Eckhart Tolle says “The present moment is all you have” . Simply put he explains that past and future are thought forms,pure hallucinations that will drag you away from the only thing you have,the present moment.
In the present moment the only you have is acceptance of what is. Life. When you go against that in anyway you go against yourself, nature, and the source of who you truly are.
Go with life not against it
Transcend your limiting labels and realize deeply that you ARE life, you don’t have it.
I plan to start my own movement for life and I am certainly going to adopt some of these peaceful solutions to saving the MOST VULNERABLE lives across this planet; the young human!
Great Job www.40DaysForLife.com
Their Tagline : Pray to End Abortion
Visit their website to learn more!
Twitter @40DaysForLife
ThatTechGirl is, Liberty Madison, a technology television producer, host, speaker, host, lecturer and futurist
Neil DeGrasse Tyson citizen of the Cosmos
The First President of the World
First person to bring peace to all nationals
First person to understand they we as humans do not have all the answers
First person to make science and technology look like the true art it is
First person to understand that debating does not solve problems
First person to understand our view is not our answer
First person to realize science and spirituality are speaking the same language and they don’t need religion as a translator