Litterati – A Litter Free World with Perks


I first learned about Litterati while co hosting SFNewTech. They were one of the presenters. I thought to myself “Cool another water style campaign or  a Toms Shoes”. Its a bit more. More active,more social, and more responsibility.

Jeff Kirschner, founder of Litterati, had a simple idea; lets clean up the Bay Area and lets involve social media. The idea spread worldwide

I love it!

But since I am who I am I had to take it a step further ….I took it a step further as you can see from my personal Litterati, I took snaps of the action taken, not just of the litter.

I invite you to do the same!

The way I , ThatTechGirl, see Litterati!…..


  1. Spot Litter & Take a snapshot
  2. PICK UP the Litter
  3. Take a snapshot of you tossing the Litter in its proper place!

NOW Instagram & Tweet the heck out of it using the hashtag #Litterati


Now you can feel good all day and spread the word!

Trust me the first time you do it, people WILL look at you crazy and some will ask what the heck are you doing? This is a perfect opportunity to build some instagram followers! 😉 Go build your followers as you clean your city!

Tag me in your post I want to join in on the action! Tag #ThatTechGirl & #Litterati


That Tech Girl, is Liberty Madison, Technology TV Host & Producer, Speaker, Commentator & Futurist #ThatTechGirl


Why I will not be calling Facebook Home

As you know you will have the option to have a Facebook phone, Home.

It is slated as an android experience you don’t want to miss. But I think you might want to miss this one.

imagesFacebook knows enough about me as it is, they are sponsored by the FBI, so I don’t need to give them insight on my phone calls.

In my option, Do not call Facebook Home at best visit them at at your discretion , but giving them access to your life 24/7 so it can be sold to the highest bidder is insane.

Your thoughts?

Easter Sunday! Family for ALL

A message to everyone who is not with their family or cant be with their family or simply those who do not have any family.
It is nice to have loved ones,you experience a love like no other,it is the only purpose of life.
But don’t forget that Family is not defined by blood. Many times you will find that your blood family can hurt you more than any stranger on the street. Family is defined by commitment, loyalty, and love. A man and wife are not blood but they are family. A dog and the owner are not blood but they are family.
Having family is the most important accomplishment you can achieve.
But not having any family does not mean you are lonely. Loneliness is a state of mind.
You may be alone but that does not mean you have to be lonely.Reach beyond your comfort zone and grab on to love, peace, forgiveness,and realize scientifically that we are all one!
We are all family!
Enjoy your Easter Sunday!

Final Day of 40 Days For Life

40 Days For Life is a worldwide movement that values Life. Plain and simple; any other words are just confusing details open to limited interpretation. The value of life is not open to conversation or debate. It simply is!

40 Days For Life is ….you got it! 40 Days of dedicated grassroots call -to – action strategy that protects life. February 13 – March 24 you can find people in meditation, prayer, action, and conversation that results in peace, love, and saving the lives of families across the globe.

I am 100% behind this movement, not because I am Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Atheist, Republican, Liberal, Tall, Short, Asian, or Smart. I am behind it because I truly know the only real thing that matters; LIFE . Everyone knows that at the core. It just takes some longer to arrive there in order

As you all know, I value life, peace, love and the present moment. As Eckhart Tolle  says “The present moment is all you have” . Simply put he explains that past and future are thought forms,pure hallucinations that will drag you away from the only thing you have,the present moment.

In the present moment the only you have is acceptance of what is. Life. When you go against that in anyway you go against yourself, nature, and the source of who you truly are.

Go with life not against it

Transcend your limiting labels and realize deeply that you ARE life, you don’t have it.

I plan to start my own movement for life and I am certainly going to adopt some of these peaceful solutions to saving the MOST VULNERABLE lives across this planet; the young human!

Great Job

Their Tagline : Pray to End Abortion

Visit their website to learn more!

Twitter @40DaysForLife

ThatTechGirl is, Liberty Madison, a technology television producer, host, speaker, host, lecturer and futurist