Keep watching for reviews, interviews, apps and all round goodness!
#googleglass Up close + personal! Be sure to follow #ThatTechGirl @libertymadison for official @googleglass info as well as the launch of “ok glass … show” ! #googlevpered #googleglasses #googleglassexplorer #googleglassdemo #googleglassstare #okglass #throughglass #siliconvalley #startuplife #startup
Comments: @tristonfordummies You’re officially my cyber-crush #NoThirst
libertymadison @tristonfordummies 🙂 haha thanks!
michaeldavid95 I got to try them out at SJSU! They need more features, but other than that they are so fun to use!
jenny_rios @23_uoeno I don’t see what’s so gray about them?
jonnyhack Kinda cool…